Gas station costing $43 million gets Grassley’s anger running

Tim Rohwer
The Daily Nonpareil

Charles Grassley’s long-standing dismay of government waste is now fueled by a natural gas filling station in Afghanistan that cost $43 million.

What’s more, the flow of details on this isn’t coming out, the Iowa’s senior senator added during his weekly press call Wednesday.

 “I don’t know if any laws were broken, but $43 million spent on a gas station? In Iraq, a similar one was built for a half-million dollars, so where did the other $42.5 million go? That’s what my question is to the Defense Department,” he said on the call.

Grassley, a Republican, said he’s trying to help the inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, whose efforts for information have hit a wall.

“He’s been stonewalled, so I’m trying to help him by asking for the same documents that he has been denied,” he said.

Read the rest of the article here.