New Ad: Franken Says Biden is Doing a “Fabulous” Job

WEST DES MOINES — Today, the Grassley Works campaign released a new advertisement highlighting Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Mike Franken’s embrace of President Joe Biden’s failing agenda, especially the sinking economy.

The new digital and television advertisement will appear statewide. It highlights President Joe Biden’s failed leadership for Iowans as the U.S. veers into a recession that will slam the brakes on the U.S. economy and send wages, job creation, mortgages, cost of living, retirement savings and consumer confidence in the wrong direction.

What does Franken think of Biden’s inflationary policies? The Grassley Works advertisement reminds Iowans that Franken will march in lockstep with the Biden agenda. “Joe Biden is doing a fabulous job as president,” Franken says in the advertisement.

“Iowans are struggling to make ends meet in the Biden economy and Mike Franken will be a rubber stamp for these failed policies that are hurting Iowa families. Joe Biden’s name may not be on the ballot, but it might as well be with Mike Franken’s candidacy. This November, we have the opportunity to stop the Biden agenda and get our country back on track. That starts and ends with ensuring that Senator Chuck Grassley is re-elected to the U.S. Senate. He’s the proven leader Iowans need now more than ever,” Grassley Works Communications Director Michaela Sundermann said. 
