Chuck Grassley is THE Inflation Fighter
WEST DES MOINES — Bidenflation continues to hammer Iowa families. Today, Americans saw another higher than predicted increase in inflation coming in at 8.3 percent — a nearly 40-year high — according to the latest consumer price index released by the U.S. Department of Labor. As Senator Chuck Grassley travels the state for his annual 99 county meetings, the number one issue Iowans raise is the strain soaring inflation puts on their household budgets. In response to the concerns of Iowans, the Grassley Works Campaign launched THE Inflation Fighter Initiative.
When Grassley first ran for Congress, he stood out as THE Inflation Fighter. Grassley is the only candidate who has a proven record of combatting soaring inflation. President Biden and congressional Democrats’ reckless spending has created an economic crisis in America. Inflated grocery and gas prices are crushing the budgets of Iowa families. Fortunately, Iowans have THE Inflation Fighter in their corner. Grassley is a tight-fisted fiscal conservative who holds the federal government responsible to the taxpayer.

THE Inflation Fighter Initiative will continue to put pressure on the Biden administration to stop the bleeding Bidenomics has caused and better protect taxpayer dollars. Grassley has repeatedly called for Biden to reverse his energy policies that blunted America’s energy independence secured under the Trump administration and restore construction of the XL Pipeline, drill on public lands and off the North slope of Alaska, make E15 year-round permanent, and more. Grassley has made it clear we must return to energy independence. Rising energy costs are pushing up the cost of consumer goods and making it harder for small businesses to make ends meet and households to put food on the table.
“President Biden owns these record-breaking inflation numbers. Biden’s policies continue to fail Iowans month over month. We must re-elect Senator Chuck Grassley, THE Inflation Fighter, to slam the brakes on Democrats’ reckless spending sprees and protect the livelihoods of Iowans. The senator we need is the senator we’ve got,” Grassley Works Communications Director Michaela Sundermann said.
Supporters of Grassley’s re-election campaign can show their support for THE Inflation Fighter by visiting the merch store on the Grassley Works website here.