Democrat Leadership Fails Iowans with Recession

WEST DES MOINES — Today, Grassley Works Communications Director Michaela Sundermann released the following statement after multiple media outlets reported that the U.S. recession forecast hit 100 percent today.

“Democrats insisted high inflation would only last a short period of time. They are wrong. What we are seeing today was fueled by the Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spending sprees and bad energy policies. Iowans and particularly rural Iowans are feeling the effects of these policies every time they fill their gas tank and buy groceries.

“Mike Franken will make things worse as a rubber stamp for Joe Biden’s reckless agenda. Voters want to get the economy back on the right track and that means Republicans must take the House and Senate back in November, and that starts with re-electing Senator Chuck Grassley.”

According to an analysis by Iowa State University, disposable income for rural households is down 33 percent, they are paying $900 more per year for fuel and expenses are consuming 91 percent of their take home pay.
