ENDORSEMENT: Grassley remains best choice for Senate

The Gazette
October 23, 2016
“He harvests votes like corn, by the bushel.”

“Throughout his long tenure, he has been a consistently effective watchdog on behalf of taxpayers and whistleblowers. Grassley’s commitment to constituent service is well known. Even after six Senate terms, Grassley’s team still sweats the small stuff on behalf of Iowans who need help.”

“His support for renewable energy, including tax credits for wind energy he first championed, have had a large and important impact on Iowa’s economic landscape. Grassley has been a staunch and effective defender of Iowa agriculture, although we call on him to become more forward-thinking on efforts to blunt the environmental effects of farming.”

“His energy, enthusiasm and grasp of important issues clearly remain intact. He’s up to the job, and Iowans should return him to the Senate.”

Read the rest of the article here.