Grassley Works Across Party Lines

WEST DES MOINES — Senator Chuck Grassley is consistently rated as one of the most bipartisan members of the U.S. Senate. Grassley is the same legislator he’s always been. He focuses on the policy and will work across the aisle to get things done. His strong record delivering for Iowans speaks for itself.

The Lugar Center and Georgetown University’s McCourt School rank Grassley 12th in its bipartisan cooperation index, and he ranked 6th among current senators in lifetime scores. Additionally, the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking ranked Senator Grassley as one of the top ten most-effective senators in the 116th Congress. 

Grassley will work with anyone to do what’s best for the people of Iowa, and his record proves that to be true. In the last six years, Grassley has sponsored or co-sponsored 1,329 pieces of legislation; 312 of these passed the Senate and 52 of them were signed into law. All bills signed into law were bipartisan.

Here are just a couple of examples of his ongoing bipartisan work on behalf of Iowans.

Fighting for our Farmers
Over a hundred cattle producers in Jones County brought to Grassley’s attention the unfairness in the cattle market and how the big four meat packers are squeezing out family farmers. Grassley alongside Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer and Montana Senator Jon Tester wrote legislation to hold big packers accountable and ensure family farmers can get a fair price for their quality cattle. Bringing market transparency and price discovery to the cattle market will also help consumers get a fair price for their meat at the grocery store.

Lowering Prescription Drug Prices
Grassley and Oregon Senator Ron Wyden authored the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2019. This bipartisan legislation would save taxpayers $95 billion and seniors $72 billion by driving down prescription drug costs for consumers by preventing prices from rising faster than inflation and capping out-of-pocket expenses.

Grassley currently has six bills he’s leading or supporting that would bring down the price of prescription drugs, all of them are bipartisan. 

Reining in Big Tech
Grassley and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar are leading the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, which tackles Big Tech’s ability to snuff out small businesses by unfairly preferencing their own products. 

Combating Organized Retail Crime
Grassley recently authored the bipartisan Combating Organized Retail Crime Act to tackle the growing wave of flash mobs and targeted retail theft that is costing American businesses billions of dollars.

Grassley’s bill inspired identical bipartisan legislation in the House of Representatives.

Expanding the Survivors’ Bill of Rights
Grassley and New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s bipartisan Survivors Bill of Rights in the States Act expands rights for survivors of sexual assault and improves opportunities for justice. At Grassley’s urging, this bipartisan bill will receive a vote later this year.

The bill builds on a bipartisan law he passed in 2016 with the help of survivor and advocate Amanda Nguyen.

Backing The Blue
Grassley’s Invest to Protect Act gives additional resources to small police departments to ensure they can keep their communities safe. This is a bipartisan bill with Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto of Nevada.

Preventing Child Abuse
Grassley partnered with Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff to introduce the Preventing Child Sex Abuse Act, which strengthens and updates federal laws to crack down on child exploitation by abusers like former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar.
