Grassley Works for Women
WEST DES MOINES — Today, the Grassley Works campaign released a video showcasing the support of women across Iowa for Senator Grassley’s re-election.

Grassley is a champion for survivors of sexual assault and harassment.
Grassley fights for justice for women who have been sexually assaulted or harassed including his bipartisan leadership on the Military Justice Improvement Act, Campus Accountability and Safety Act, the Speak Out Act and the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act. Grassley led the passage of the Survivors Bill of Rights Act of 2016 and has continued to fight for the expansion of those protections with the Survivors Bill of Rights in the States Act to give additional resources to victims of state sex crimes. Grassley has also repeatedly voted to extend the Violence Against Women Act, which was most recently renewed in a broader package earlier this year, with his support.
Grassley is a champion for women’s health care.
Grassley introduced the Healthy Moms and Babies Act to provide critical health care to women experiencing high-risk pregnancies. Women living in rural areas and women of color often face greater challenges accessing needed care, so Grassley is pushing for more resources to streamline and modernize care and bring down maternal mortality rates. Grassley is also a strong supporter of the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program and stillbirth prevention efforts.
Grassley is a champion for children.
Grassley has long been a leading voice in the Senate for foster youth and children who await adoption and a forever family. He knows how important it is to give a child a loving, stable and secure home. Grassley is a founder and co-chair of the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth. Grassley’s ACE Kids Act was signed into law in 2019 and improves coordinated care for children with advanced medical needs. He also convened a bipartisan working group as chair of the Senate Finance Committee to work toward a consensus on the government’s role in paid family leave. Grassley also supported expanding the Child Care Development Block Grant to boost federal resources to communities struggling to fill the need for child care options for working moms and dads.