Mike Franken Says Rural Iowa is “Depressing”

NEW HARTFORD — In advance of Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Mike Franken’s visit to New Hartford tonight, the Grassley Works campaign exposes how Franken trashed New Hartford earlier this summer. As a lifelong resident of New Hartford, Senator Chuck Grassley is proud of raising his family and farming in Butler County as he continues to represent Iowans in the United States Senate. Grassley’s small-town roots and experience as a family farmer have fueled his proven record of results for Iowa.

What does Franken have to say about New Hartford? Just ask him: “Have you been to [Grassley’s] home town? It’s one of the most depressing small towns I’ve seen in Iowa,” Mike Franken said on May 25.

“Mike Franken insults New Hartford, Iowa calling it ‘depressing,’ and then comes here to beg for votes. The hypocrisy is laughable and Franken’s comments are a poke in the eye to every hard-working Iowan in rural America. Franken’s disdain for civic pride in rural communities is shameful and does not represent Iowa. As a lifelong resident of New Hartford, Senator Grassley wears his rural roots as a badge of honor. Iowans deserve a senator who respects their livelihoods and way of life. The Senator we need is the Senator we’ve got,” said Michaela Sundermann, communications director for Grassley Works.
