Voters Blast Biden at Chuck Grassley’s Campaign Stops in Goose Lake and Cascade
WEST DES MOINES – Senator Chuck Grassley made campaign stops over the weekend in Goose Lake for the Clinton County GOP Spring Event and in Cascade for the Dubuque County GOP Spring Event. Iowans blasted the Biden administration for soaring gas and grocery prices and the crisis at the border. Senator Grassley spoke about the importance of voting in the June 7 primary election to secure victory in November.
“President Biden’s agenda is steering this country way, way off course. Iowa families and families in the United States are the foundation of our society. A lot of President Biden’s policies are hurting families. You can look at the 40-year high inflation, and the highest gas prices we’ve ever seen in the history of our country,” Grassley said.
Grassley asked the crowd if they were better off under President Biden’s leadership. After a firm “no” from the crowd, Grassley said, “That’s the answer I thought I would get and that’s exactly why we need you to vote June 7 and November 8.”
